
TwoCents is a knowledge-sharing community for the generation that is changing Africa.

Glean rare insights from Africa's finest, every week.


TwoCents is a knowledge-sharing community for the generation changing Africa. Every week, Africans around the globe share amazing insights and answers across topics ranging from Career, Business and Technology to Politics, Religion and Society.

On TwoCents, we also host Q&A Sessions with some of Africa's finest minds.

The objective of TwoCents sessions is to bridge the gap between the next generation of African game-changers, thinkers, leaders, creators and achievers, and the current crop of industry titans, thought-leaders, politicians, leaders in acadaemia etc.

Our vision is to make it possible for those who are next in line, to meet and learn from those who truly know, by asking questions and getting answers.

Insights - how they work.

An insight could be something you learned this week or an insight you have on a certain topic or interest area.

Every week on TwoCents, young Africans from around the globe share their thoughts through insights on all works of life ranging from Career and Business to Politics, Relationships and Society.

TwoCents users who post insights on a regular basis are known as contributors. Being a contributor on TwoCents offers several benefits such as monetizing insights, a designated contributor icon on their avatars and certain AI features.

Every contributor has a score which is a metric indicating the engagement on all their insights, based on views, number of comments and upvotes etc.

Users who become contributors are able to earn from their writing and further build their reputation.

Become a contributor by sharing your first insight

Sessions - how they work.

A session consists of two parts, an interview section and a question section.

The interview part has 10 interview questions with the person being hosted.The purpose of the interview is to get you familiarized with the person being hosted, and to help you begin to formulate the question you might want to ask this person. The interview part becomes accessible once a session opens.

The question section is where questions asked in a particular session reside - questions are ordered in descending order of answer requests. Answer requests are a way of showing the community's interest in a particular question; the more answer requests a question has, the more likely it is to get answered by the person being hosted.

Questions can be asked between a sessions opening date and closing date - and only one question is permitted per user. Once a question has been answered, it can't be edited or removed from a session.

Sponsoring a session

Session Sponsorships provide members of the TwoCents community with the chance to showcase their products or services. Only users with active accounts can sponsor sessions.

For more information, please visit the How to sponsor page.

How it all started

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The year was 2018, the month was March and we were launching the first version of TwoCents.

We shipped that product knowing that there was a lot we didn't know and had to figure out quickly. There were so many questions surrounding the product and the market, precisely what our place was in the world, how users would accept the product, and if our first version was good enought to test our initial assumptions.

Eventually that first product gave us so many insights and helped us answer some very difficult questions. 2 eventful years later, TwoCents is re-launching with a better and more focused product - we took all we had learned, all the things users said (and didn't say) and today we believe we have the product that will provide a compelling experience for our users.

We welcome you, both old and new users to a community of people moving Africa forward - wether you're being hosted or asking a question, we believe that your two cents counts!

So start sharing and contributing today.

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Got something to tell us?

We would love to hear from you!

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